Tongue Tied
Forums: Index > Starbug > Whose English?

Oh, man. After making a category called Category:Organizations, I outsmarted myself and made another one called Category:Organisations. It might be a good idea to pick British or American English and stick with it, so these kinds of things don't happen. This one was all my fault, but surely other people will have the same problem. Since it's a British show, my vote is for British English.

Also, it may be a good idea to decide whether we'd like category titles to be all caps, like "Copyright Free Use Files" or lowercase like "Copyrighted free use files." Thoughts? --StBacchus 14:56, 20 December 2006 (UTC)

The English point is an excellent point. Since RD is a British show, I also think it should be in British English, in the case of organisations, I'd make a redirect with the American spelling. I'm going to need help, though, because my English is American English and writing in British English makes me do flashbacks about writing my final essay during my summer at Cambridge... About the titles, What I've been doing is capitalizing the words that should be capitalized in a title, which, and correct me if I'm wrong which I probably am, that all worlds are caps except articles (the, a, ect.) Time And Relative Dimension In Space 19:44, 20 December 2006 (UTC)